BK6 hint 016-eng - How to produce bitmap charts
Here is a detailed instruction, a time-consuming process, but it works.
1. Using BK, create the tree. I use 6pt. Landscape, but if your tree is deep but
not wide you might want to use Portrait.
2. Print the tree to use as a guide.
3. In BK, use the Zoom feature to adjust the screen display as small as possible such
that you can still read the text.
(The purpose is to minimize the number of tree pieces you have to create.)
4. Open Paint (that comes with Windows)
5. Switch to BK.
6. In the BK tree display, press Print Screen button on keyboard.
7. Switch to Paint. Edit-Paste (Ctrl-V). If you get a message prompting you to enlarge
the image, click Yes.
8. Select as much of the tree as you can read on the screen. That is, don't select half a name.
9. Edit-Copy To. Save as a monochrome bitmap to whatever temporary name you want (like temp #,
where # is the tree section)
10. Mark the portion of the tree printout and note the name you gave to that portion.
11. File-New. Don't save the existing image.
12. Switch to BK. Use the scroll bars to display another portion of the tree. FOLLOW STEPS 6-12
until you have made bitmaps of all portions of the tree.
13. Switch to Paint. Open the first saved bitmap.
14. Image-Attributes. Double the current size.
15. File-Save As to a new name, such as MYTREE.
16. Scroll right or down to the end of the currently displayed portion of the tree.
17. Edit-Paste From. Select the next saved bitmap tree portion.
18. Adjust alignment as necessary.
19. Save.
20. Image-Attributes to enlarge the available workspace, if necessary.
FOLLOW STEPS 15-20 until you have the entire tree saved as a single bitmap. As a final step
in the single bitmap, you may have to fill-in or close some connecting lines.
Finn Jelstrup
This page should print directly, using Ctrl-P